A Road Map For Revitalization

Effective organizations take the time to reflect and assess every three to five years as to where they’ve been, where they are and where they want to go.

United Way Suncoast had always planned that 2020 would be the year to craft a new strategic vision. No one, of course, anticipated the transformative headwind of a global pandemic, but out of crisis arises opportunity. We called upon the organization’s focus and agility, and with the help of an engaged board and the leadership of CEO Jessica Muroff, we embarked on a diverse nine-month effort to create a new path.

This path is not merely a United Way plan, it’s a community plan, informed by input from a broad and diverse group of community leaders and voices.

As we surveyed community members, conducted focus groups and scoured the nation for promising practices, we operated with a greater sense of urgency, because in the wake of this pandemic, our work has never been more important.

Now, we have the road map to enhance and elevate our efforts, to continue lifting up ALICE families and infusing diversity, equity and inclusion in all we do. Please explore the accompanying pieces to learn more about United Way Suncoast’s new strategic vision.


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