
Read on myON Partnership

Free online books for children! For all birth through elementary school children in Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties. If you have a smartphone, tablet or computer, you can read these books. Internet needed. Parents and caregivers can use them with children too young to read on their own.

United Way Suncoast is pleased to be in collaboration with Hillsborough and Pinellas County School districts, and other strategic community partners, to support myON. United Way Suncoast was involved with the Hillsborough launch of the Read on myON Project in February of 2012 and the Pinellas launch for the 2017/18 school year and continues to invest funds to provide this wonderful service to children.

The Read on myON Project provides the myON reader digital library of books to all children from birth through fifth grade in Pinellas County and extends to include middle and high school students attending Hillsborough County Public Schools in Hillsborough County.  The main goal of myON is to provide each child equitable access to the largest collection of enhanced digital books to encourage reading, increase literacy rates, and promote literacy throughout the community.

Illustration shows the myON reading program software with many children's book covers.What Is myON Reader?

  • myON reader provides anytime, anywhere access to an expanding online collection of enhanced digital books with multimedia supports, including an embedded dictionary, text highlighting, and audio.
  • myON reader personalizes the reading experience and develops an individual profile for each student based on interests and reading ability as measured by the Lexile® Framework for Reading.
  • myON reader generates a recommended booklist tailored to encourage students to read more and further improve their reading skills, and it offers educators a solution that integrates with existing teaching tools.
  • myON reader gives students the opportunity to choose what they want to read, in a digital environment where they are comfortable, motivates them to become better and more confident readers and encourages them to take accountability for their reading growth.

Click here to get started.


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Smiling young girl proudly holds a book in a classroom.