The Art of Philanthropy

Become a legacy of change, join the Tocqueville Society.

The United Way Suncoast Tocqueville Society was founded in 1984 as an opportunity for passionate individuals to become more deeply involved in United Way’s mission. Members make real strides toward achieving United Way’s strategic goals through their financial contributions, $10,000 or more annually, and by providing the leadership to pursue long-term solutions to our communities’ most difficult human challenges.

We invite you to join the Tocqueville Society and take advantage of this unique opportunity to partner and network with over 200 like-minded executives, professionals and philanthropists who are focused on creating long-lasting, positive changes in our community. Additionally, as a Tocqueville Society member, you will have the opportunity to participate in special events, such as the Tocqueville Speakers Series, community forums, volunteer projects, social events and more. Throughout the year, United Way recognizes its esteemed Tocqueville Society members in United Way and community publications.

For more information about the United Way Suncoast Tocqueville Society, please see the Tocqueville member booklet below or visit our Tocqueville page.

To speak further with a member of our Major Gifts Team, please contact Julie Sills-Molock (Tampa Area) at or (813)274-0918, Valerie Yates (Manatee/Sarasota) at or (941)328-6986 or Linda Breen, at or (813)274-0964.

Ready to create a legacy that will impact our community for years to come? Make your pledge to the Tocqueville Society today.


Join the Tocqueville Society

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