United Way Suncoast Statement on Racial Inequity

We at United Way Suncoast are deeply saddened by events taking place across our country, revealing the inequity that is still so prevalent in our world. We detest the reality that some would deny others respect and the most basic of freedoms because of the color of his or her skin.


United Way Suncoast stands against all forms of discrimination, racism and injustice. We work to ensure that every person in our community has an equal opportunity to reach their full potential.

United Way believes that every person, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or religion is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect.

We have an ongoing commitment to community change by rallying non-profits, corporations and government to work together to address access to quality education and removing barriers to financial stability, systemic problems that contribute to the issues that led up to these events.

We work within our communities- establishing resource centers in diverse neighborhoods providing access to job opportunities, legal assistance and resources to assist families in building a greater future for themselves and future generations.

We focus on early literacy, ensuring that children, no matter their circumstances, are reading on grade-level by the end of 3rd grade, increasing their chances of on-time graduation and a brighter future.

United Way Suncoast will continue collaborating with community and corporate partners to face our communities’ toughest challenges and create a level playing field for all.

Every person in every community must do their part to make our communities the places that we need them to be. We, as a society, can and must do better to guarantee that the basic rights and freedoms of every person in every community are protected and ensured.

Together we can Live United!

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