As a member of the United Way Suncoast Tocqueville Society, you already make a significant difference in our community and we are very grateful for your support. How can you make an impact in perpetuity? A bequest or planned gift offers donors the opportunity to continue their support of United Way Suncoast and the communities it serves by creating a legacy which will allow your annual gift to be made forever.
For example, a legacy gift of $250,000 would generate approximately $10,000 annually in expendable funds. By investing in the growth of United Way Suncoast’s endowment fund, you will have a lasting and profound impact on your community, and we hope you will consider whether a planned gift is right for you. With this level of support, you would become a member of the Bill McBride Tocqueville Legacy Circle, named for one of our most valued and passionate supporters.
As always, we suggest that you talk with your financial advisor for advice on legacy plans or other types of actions that will best meet your financial and philanthropic objectives. Following are three easy legacy gift options that you and your financial advisor may wish to consider:
- Designate United Way Suncoast, Inc. as a beneficiary of a retirement fund or life insurance policy
- Include United Way Suncoast in your bequest/will
- Tocqueville Society members who are 70 ½ years and older may make an IRA rollover without penalty for any of the following reasons:
- If you do not want to increase your adjusted gross income with the required minimum distribution (RMD)
- If you do not need all or part of the RMD to supplement your lifestyle
- If you would like to make a significant gift or fulfill a pledge, but are faced with the adjusted gross income (AGI) limitation for charitable contributions, or have already utilized limitations on annual charitable deductions
- If you make annual gifts but do not itemize and cannot use the charitable tax deduction
For reference, our tax identification number is 59-3725701.
If you have already made a gift to United Way Suncoast as part of your estate plan – thank you! Please let us know so we can acknowledge your support and ensure that we have proper documentation in our files. With your support, you will become a member of a United Way Recognition Society though we will, of course, respect your privacy and honor all requests for anonymity.
For more information about United Way Suncoast’s Planned Giving program, please contact:
Linda Breen
Senior Director, Major Gifts and Planned Giving
Mobile: 704-650-7225